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Otsego Northern Catskills



Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

Legislation and/or Regulation:
While many agencies regulate various aspects of asbestos in schools, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency governs asbestos in indoor school environments, primarily under the Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA). The NYS Education Department coordinates and manages certain aspects of EPA Asbestos regulations in the schools. Also, the EPA and NYS Department of Health governs worker training for asbestos.

What the SRM Service can do to help:
Training and Workshops:
  • Asbestos Awareness Training
    • We can provide the required annual training to your custodial-maintenance staff regarding safe work practices in buildings containing asbestos.
  • LEA Designated Official Training
    • We can provide training to your LEA-designated "responsible person" covering the proper management practices for asbestos in schools.
  • Conduct the triennial AHERA Asbestos Re-inspections.
  • Conduct, or assist, with the 6-month asbestos surveillances.
  • Assist the district in complying with AHERA, including annual public notification and submittal of inspections/management plans to the NYS Education Department.
  • Managing fiber releases and cleanup of damaged asbestos materials.