Our Vision is to provide a safe and caring environment in which our students can develop academically, creatively, and socially. Each member of the school community will demonstrate personal integrity, a commitment to learning, and an appreciation for cultural diversity.
Roxbury Central School is seeking qualified individuals to fill the following position(s):
Special Education Teacher
Roxbury Central School is seeking substitutes for the following areas:
Cafeteria workers, Teachers, Teacher Aides, Bus Drivers & Custodial
You may submit a letter of interest or pick up an application in the Main Office and mail to:
Stacy Ward, Superintendent
Roxbury Central School District
53729 State Highway 30
Roxbury, NY 12474
Phone: (607) 326-4151 | FAX: (607) 326-4154
Roxbury Central School website
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Roxbury Central School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities, employment, and admissions; and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.